What are the 4 main coaching styles?

Those interested in pursuing a coaching career should understand the strengths and weaknesses of each style. A great coach adapts their training styles to meet the requirements of people and situations. It's essential to know your style and the styles of the people you're training. For example, if you have a systematic team and you present yourself as an energetic new coach, it can be difficult to train this team.

While you express spontaneous ideas, they want to focus on systems and plans. It is necessary for both parties to compromise: a good manager can appeal to their systematic side and, at the same time, use their energetic personality to achieve goals together. The assessment measures an individual's preference for direct, energetic, considerate and systematic training styles. With this knowledge, people can better understand why they behave in their own way, learn to adapt their behavior to improve interpersonal relationships, develop a good relationship and, ultimately, become more effective coaches.

Throughout the training process, you'll learn that the best training style can be situational. It's common for a coach to use different training styles at different times, depending on specific objectives. The best coaching styles may also depend on your client. Some clients respond very well to authoritarian training styles, while others like to feel more involved and prefer a democratic training style.

Compared to other training styles, democratic coaching places more control in the hands of the clients, while the coach provides the momentum and support needed to achieve the tangible objectives. Often regarded as the most empowering style of training, democratic coaching is the best option for clients who are prepared to take responsibility and require less labor. It is ideal for financial advice, professional training and personal growth training. Unlike the democratic style, the autocratic training style places authority in the hands of the coach.

You steadfastly direct your client to the desired results and success. Autocratic coaching puts control in the hands of the coach. And it's important that you use this style when you have the experience and knowledge needed to dictate the conditions. Very close to the autocratic training style is bureaucratic training.

It follows a more old school approach and is more driven by processes and systems. For example, in a law firm or hospital, where deviating from a process could cost a lot of money or even lives. Most of the time, bureaucratic coaching is adopted for organizational training in disciplined and regulated environments that require a non-negotiable approach to compliance and processes, such as government and public sector bodies. The holistic coaching style basically focuses on the overall growth of the person, giving equal importance to all aspects of the client's life.

The coach's job is to ask the right questions and provide support and encouragement. Holistic coaching is the best option in situations where the client seeks to create lasting results in their life in general: mind, body, spirit and community. Development coaching involves understanding your client's “what”, “why” and “how”. The coach uses 360-degree feedback and questions to understand the client's past experiences and assess where they are in their development journey.

This style takes into account the client's age, mental age and thought processes. Let's say you have a client, Rachel, who is in her early 20s. He is at an important stage in his life. You need to apply to universities and select your careers that will decide your professional life for years to come.

She is a brilliant student; however, she is unable to specify what she wants to do. Get different opinions from friends and family, your teachers, peers, and online communities. And that mix of conflicting opinions confuses her. She's moving from one option to another, and the deadlines for college applications are getting closer.

Now she has reached out to you, as a coach, to help her in this phase. Now list a different style (or a combination of 2 styles) that you think might work better and why. A practical 100-page manual with the most powerful questions that world-class coaches use to catalyze profound and lasting moments and transformations in their clients. Fortunately, whether you're working with individual clients or in a management environment, there are several psychometrically validated assessment tools available to help coaches learn more about their own particular training styles.

But being a great coach isn't just about creating this awareness, it's also about helping your client solve problems. To learn more about your style and how it can help others, What's My Coaching Style by HRDQ is a practical evaluation of coaching for management development that measures personality style and explores its relationship with training and interpersonal relationships. And, in general terms, there are several qualities that should be evident in all coaches, such as excellent listening skills, confidence, optimism, open-mindedness, etc. Some coaching applications have even been associated with significant health-related improvements (Wolever et al.

It's pretty clear that, to improve your training style, you need a deeper understanding of the psyche of your clients. While there is enormous variability in terms of counseling approaches, a crucial distinction between coaches and counselors is that the former do not focus on a problem or a diagnosis. Holistic coaching is about addressing all areas of life, such as nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management and social connection. By doing so, individuals and organizations looking for a life coach or leadership will be better able to find the right person for the job.

A coach focused on mindfulness may be especially useful for anxious clients, given the important relationship between mindfulness activities and anxiety reduction (Blanck, Perleth, & Heidenreich et al. As its name suggests, this training style follows the same definition and practice of democracy. Therefore, good coaches don't strictly follow a style, but can instead adjust their approaches based on changes in the client, context, and other key factors. .