What is difference between leadership and manager with example?

In general, the key difference is that a manager will focus on planning, organizing and coordinating resources to manage tasks and deliver results. A leader will inspire, motivate, and influence those around them, which will drive people to achieve their goals and objectives as they work to achieve the bigger picture. They do what they say they're going to do and stay motivated toward a big goal, often a long way off. They stay motivated without receiving regular rewards.

Managers work toward short-term goals, seeking more regular recognition or praise. While the words manager and leader may seem to mean the same thing, they don't. A manager is someone who manages and is responsible for important aspects of a job, project, or team. A leader is someone who is influential, takes the reins and sets an example for others.

Managers and leaders typically earn their degree in a work, educational, or team environment by demonstrating their management and leadership skills. In an ideal situation, a manager should possess leadership qualities and, similarly, a leader should possess managerial qualities. Managers, for example, will focus on setting, measuring and achieving goals by controlling situations to achieve or exceed their objectives. Meanwhile, leaders will focus on what those objectives are and on motivating people to achieve them.

By comparison, managers set out to achieve organizational goals by implementing processes, such as budgeting, organizational structuring, and staffing. The main objective of a manager is to meet the goals and objectives of the organization; usually, they don't take much else into account. The main difference between management and leadership is that leaders do not necessarily hold or hold a managerial position. Managers are responsible for day-to-day efforts, while reviewing the necessary resources and anticipating the needs to make changes throughout the process.

Some managers have poor leadership qualities, and employees follow their managers' orders because they are obligated to do so, not necessarily because they are influenced or inspired by the leader. Leaders and managers share some essential characteristics; however, there are many differences that differentiate them. But remember that just because someone is a phenomenal leader doesn't necessarily guarantee that that person is also an exceptional manager, and vice versa. Some consider leaders and managers to be different because a leader tends to deal with the personal problems of a group, while a manager manages tasks and projects, not people.

According to research by the Chartered Management Institute, 90% of members who have completed a management and leadership degree found that the experience improved their performance on the job. A manager's subordinates are required to obey orders, while following them is optional when it comes to leadership. Therefore, here we have pointed out the key differences between managers and leaders that would facilitate understanding the difference between them. While managers focus on achieving organizational goals by implementing processes, such as budgeting, organizational structure, and staffing, leaders are more concerned with thinking about the future and taking advantage of opportunities.

Leadership is the spearhead of the new vision and initiatives, while management effectively controls resources to bring those visions to the realm of reality. You have to think about one without the other to really see the differences that exist between them, since management without leadership only controls the resources to be maintained. Empowering the workforce and adaptive decision-making also add to the crucial attributes of leadership. If you are a working professional who wants to start a management or leadership career by studying an MBA while still working in a senior management position.