What are the 4 stages of coaching?

As a simple rule, all coaching tasks are characterized by four key stages that are consecutive and overlap to a certain extent: preparation. The “awareness-raising” stage of an executive coaching intervention begins with a meeting between the coach and the executive team, which may include not only the executive and the person he depends on, but often also a senior executive and a human resources representative. At this stage, the coach participates in discussions to understand the client's background, goals, and expected results and to ensure that the client's team is committed to the training process. The second stage of an executive coaching intervention has to do with analysis.

The customer can carry out one or more evaluations and interview other interested parties. Subsequently, a meeting is held between the coach and the client to establish expectations, analyze the target competencies to achieve success and understand the results of the interviews with the stakeholders. Here and in future conference calls between the coach and the client, an individual development plan is finalized and shared with the client's sponsoring executive and human resources representative. One of the first articulated objectives should be to review evaluation data on the client to identify their strengths (including strengths they did not know) and their development needs (including development needs that they did not know).

From this, an action plan can be created, along with a calendar of training calls in which progress will be reviewed and problems or concerns will be raised for discussion. The final stage of the executive coaching intervention is the achievement stage. This is when surveys are sent to stakeholders to provide feedback on the customer's improvement and progress. The results of these surveys are discussed with the customer and, if necessary to correct the course, are documented.

The rookie coach is eager and motivated to learn, teach, achieve and make a name for himself. Its fuel is enthusiasm, its limitations, experience and knowledge. I enjoyed this stage, lived there personally for a long time, and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with young coaches who are starting out on this path. Nobody stays at this stage forever, but all coaches start their journey here.

Sooner or later, the decision is made to simplify the complex, silence the ego, not worry about the results and focus clearly on what matters most, people and work. A sober attitude is gained by deciding all the things you don't have to worry about and by firmly committing yourself to the foundations of the profession and to the people you seek to serve. And, finally, serenity, the setting of calm waters. During this stage, the client and coach maintain regular communication in person or by phone to ensure that attention is maintained on the development plan and to analyze successes and problems in specific situations.

The 4 stages of sales coaching will make you an invaluable leader for your employees, as they will instill confidence and the desire to thrive and succeed at every step. This stage is where the customer focuses on the specific changes needed to comply with the individual development plan. At this stage, the coach has realized the unique purpose of sport to help others go to places and do things they never thought possible. If you follow these 4 steps carefully as you move through The 4 Stages, you'll successfully guide your employees to achieve great things.